Lucha Libre!

for Medium Orchestra
Medium Orchestra
12 minutes

Nominated for a 2023 Latin GRAMMY® Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition


At a glance

ORCHESTRATION – – timp; 2 perc – pno; hp – str



Nominated for a 2023 Latin GRAMMY® Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition

 2022 Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra

The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra commissioned Contreras to write Lucha Libre! during their 2019-2020 season, when he served as Sound Investment composer-in-residence.

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Program Note

Lucha Libre
"For me, classical musicians are like superheroes. They do something almost impossible with their instrument. They are very gifted, and they have to do things in collaboration with other musicians so the magic happens. The same thing happens in lucha libre — everything is choreographed, so even if the teams are rivals, they have to work together to give the people a good spectacle."
— Juan Pablo Contreras, CLASSICAL POST

I have always considered orchestral musiciansto belike superheroes: they use their technicalgifts to make the “impossible”happen on stage and work together as a team to create the mostbeautiful music.The same kind of collaborative magic happens inlucha libre(freestylewrestling), the Mexican spectaclewhere “real-life” superheroes face off against each other.Mostof the acrobatic moves inthis theatrical sportarechoreographed, soluchadores(wrestlers),like classical musicians, work closely to perform elaborate maneuvers and put onthe best show for their fans.Lucha Libre!is a musical battle betweensixsoloists that play from their usual seating places inthe orchestra. The soloists personifythreerudos(villains) andthreetécnicos(heroes)whofaceoff asluchadoresfrom opposing teams.For this piece, I invented my ownluchadoresand mywife Marisa designed their masks.From therudosteam, we have: the timpani as “La Kalva”(“TheSkeleton”),theprincipal trumpet as “Astro Tapatío” (“Guadalajara Superstar”), andtheprincipal cello as “Don Diavlo” (“Mr. Devil”).On thetécnicosside, we have: the piano as“Dominus,”the principal flute as “Volátigo” (“Voltawhip”),andthe principal violin as “SanSilver” (“Saint Silver”).Eachluchadorhas their own melodic theme, which embodiestheirunique personality.The soloists play thesemelodies, while wearing their masks, to battleagainst each other.In this album, you’ll alsobe able to listento each separate theme inSeisLuchadores.The composition is structured like alucha librematch. First, theluchadoresare introduced andwe hear their themes as theyenterthe ring.Then, they contend with each other 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2,and eventually 3 vs. 3 during the climax of the piece.At times, the orchestra recreates thearena’s atmosphere by mimicking the sounds of vuvuzelas, as well as the whistling andcheering. In the percussion family, the slapstick imitates the luchadores slapping theiropponents’ chests, while the bass drum echoes the referee smacking the mat when a luchadoris pinned.When the referee finally counts to three, the listeners will be able to identify thewinning team, as their victory is celebrated with anepic renditionof their themes, culminatingin a triumphant ending.

—Juan Pablo Contreras

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